Potential is universally available, but opportunities are not.

We believe every individual can expand their possibilities through supportive, caring relationships.

Potential is universally available, but opportunities are not. image

Research tells us that one in three young people do not have access to a mentor in their lives. Mentoring is a powerful tool in addressing systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. By investing in the next generation and providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed, mentoring programs contribute to building stronger, more resilient communities and creating a brighter future for all.

Our programs bridge gaps for at-risk youth facing challenges from social and emotional issues to academic struggles exacerbated by difficult familial circumstances and the pervasive grip of poverty. According to the Kids Count RI Factbook, 15% of Rhode Island children live below the federal poverty threshold. Racial and ethnic disparities reveal higher poverty rates. These circumstances create hurdles that impede the future success of our state's youth.

Join the mentoring movement. With your generosity, together we can build a stronger community, centered on positive relationships for kids. MENTOR Rhode Island works collaboratively with schools and youth development organizations across the state to expand relationship-centric support for young people to address inequity. Your investment is a critical part of our mission to ensure that no young person in RI grows up without a network of caring adults in their lives.